- [+plan,scheme] 保密under wraps
- [idea,plan etc+] 成形to take shape
- [plan,idea+] 对某人没有吸引力to be unattractive to sb
- MAPMaximum a posteriori(MAP)
- plan是指勾画出一地方或工程等的图样Plan is to draw a diagram of a place,project,etc
- MAP-2MAP-2
- 对于PLAN_ROW类型的行,此列包含对操作的说明。For rows of type PLAN_ROW, this column contains a description of the operation.
- Z-mapZ-map
- 指定DROP ALL时,不能指定N'plan_guide_name。N'plan_guide_name cannot be specified when DROP ALL is specified.
- MAP肽multiple antigenic peptide
- 说明如何通过USE PLAN查询提示对查询实现强制计划。Explains how to implement plan forcing for a query using the USE PLAN query hint.
- MAP法MAP process
- 我们plan一会议,就要确定会议的长短,议事程序等细节When we plan a meeting,we decide in detail on its length,on the agenda,etc
- MAP表MAP table
- sp_add_maintenance_plan必须从msdb数据库运行并创建一个新的空维护计划。Sp_add_maintenance_plan must be run from the msdb database and creates a new, but empty, maintenance plan.
- 修正了在 array_map() 里面在回调是一个 null 时的缺陷Fixed a crash bug in array_map() when NULL callback was passed in.
- T1-mapTl-map
- 对于计划致使执行缓慢的查询,若已知有更好的计划,则可使用USE PLAN查询提示。The USE PLAN query hint can be used for queries whose plans result in slow execution times, but for which you know better plans exist.
- 范畴MAPcategory MAP